Friday, July 24, 2009

This is what I call a Cluster Fuck

This is our MySpace blog copied here because apparently it's in danger of being removed, again.

Enjoy the ridiculousness. It seems some assholes just sit in the dark and wait for any inkling of drama to occur so they can come out with their delusional accusations:

22 Jul 09 Wednesday
Just a little note, honey. If you put on a conference where you do not pay for the travel, lodging or food for your speakers and then send them on an investigation into a cemetery inhabited by crack whores, pimps, dirty hypodermic needles, and God knows what other nasty items, you have no room at all to say WE suck.

Sweetie, just because you got our slot at Para-X does not in way, shape, or form mean you will be able to fill our shoes. We had one of the highest rated shows over there and our listeners haven't been hanging around to see what hack was going to get that slot - they came with us. But good luck with all that.

Maybe you missed the memo that said if you fuck with us, we fuck back. We have not said word one about you for you to be running around talking shit about us. If we'd wronged you in some way it would be understandable but considering you're pretty a much a nobody in our world and we don't even know who you are, it's not really warranted.

Game on. And by the way, we always win.


The Ghost Divas

Tracy Austin is that about? Andrea who? (sigh)....looks like I need some mochaine (Starbucks - 4 shots) and a smoke....and to start reading and find out why folks appear to be coming out of the woodwork today with their crazy hats on.......
Posted by ~*~*Magickally Malicious*~*~ on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 11:22
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

Cool Pic Tracy

Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 19:57
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas

Yeah - we don't really know who it is other than someone that put on a really shady conference where two people showed up and then she's running around bragging that she got our old slot and how we suck anyway. WTF? Really? It's one of those you should make sure your nose is clean before talking about other peoples' noses, LOL.
Posted by Ghost Divas on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 11:34
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Well, I have a question. If we sucked so badly, then why would she feel the need to brag that she got our spot? Really? Stupidity at its finest!
Posted by Amanda on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 11:43
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Joliet Paranormal Society™
John Rinehart

for the record what she said was her husband wanted to get back onto para-x so he had to kiss some serious butt she said she didnt care either way but continued to say she thought it was funny that they got the divas old spot since they got fired because they suck and there were a few more colorful words in there but i dont want to mis quote anyone!
Posted by Joliet Paranormal Society™ on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 16:29
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas

She's a fucking MORON. We have the goddamned emails where we told them we were going a different direction that we didn't feel was the same as theirs. It was amicable. We did not get fired. Not in the least.

Posted by Ghost Divas on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 17:04
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We were fired?!?! Not even close!!!! We left, on GOOD terms. I hate ignorant people who run their fucking mouths when they have no damn clue what they are talking about.
Posted by Amanda on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 17:02
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Brian Hendrian

Posted by SHELBY PARANORMAL RESEARCH SOCIETY on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 13:15
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Janice Oberding
Janice Oberding

So this is the person who put on THAT conference? LMAO! Only 2 people showed up!! Andrea Jamison, people are saying that you put on a lousy disorganized conference And when it was over you started talking shit about your speakers. You know the very people who gave of their time and talents freely to help you. And that dearie is beyond low class! Now about you getting our old slot..Who gives a rat's ass about you or your radio show? Before this, I'd never even heard of you so you've got some nerve. I know that many many more people listen to our show on SRNLive every Wednesday night than came to your lousy conference LMAO!!

Posted by Janice Oberding on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 11:48
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Quantum Paranormal
Quantum Paranormal


The Drama Whores"

Posted by Quantum Paranormal on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 12:02
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

Mellen's photos on her website and myspace make her look like a whore. This lady looks like she ate her.

I read this womans bio and it's NOTHING. Just a product of BULLSHIT that is currently being produced over at the "X"

Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 18:02
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Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS
Jamie Standifird

Whoa.... what bull shit at para-x?

Posted by Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 18:49
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

Pick one

Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 19:32
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Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS
Jamie Standifird

So all of them are bull shit or just not Ghostology because you guys like each other?

Posted by Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 19:41
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

Ghostology is one of the best shows on that network. They should leave.

Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 19:58
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You know Mike, part of me wanted to get angry about that comment, but then the other part of me just cracked up. The nut jobs are just crawling out of the woodwork at us this week. We don't control these dumbasses!

Posted by Amanda on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 12:07
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☠ Leah...The Paranormal Queen! ☠


I hope you don't mind me speaking here....if I may say what is on my mind?

I really, really hate reading these types of blogs. I never write anything I always click off, but please let me state my peace...

These types of blogs don't set well with myself and I'm sure the paranormal community that looks up to you. No one and I mean no one is more special or a bag of chips to think they are better than anyone else.

These types of words always make you look bad, hateful, and spiteful. Sometimes it's better to take the higher road and ignore people, their comments, their hateful words and move forward and don't look back. It's not worth the time and effort that you add to this.

Being mean and hateful isn't going to help anything especially with horrible words in the mix. Being in the paranormal world isn't an easy thing and I get tired of reading this stuff honestly. Why can't WE ALL just get along??? I get tired of all the drama and fighting amongst each other. For the love of Pete, can't we all just along?

It seems as though almost every paranormal group or investigator out there has a online radio show now-a-days so honestly that holds no hierarchy with me and I'm sure a good portion of PI's out there. It's all the same, people downing others, being nasty and downright hateful. It's old. Real fricking old. What happened to the online shows about what the paranormal community is doing, talking about the PARANORMAL and helping others? It went down the tubes a long time ago. How sad.

Cussing and being hateful just makes you look worse within the paranormal community. Get back on track, let go of the hate, move on and just fricking be happy.

I would like to see good things, positive blogs and people praising people. Not slapping them in the face and being nasty. Who cares. No one is better than you or I, PERIOD. Sounds like someone has a chip on there shoulder and it needs to be knocked off. Everyone needs to have a smile on there face and do what they do best...and that is the PARANORMAL.

Thanks for letting me speak, I really appreciate it.


Posted by ☠ Leah...The Paranormal Queen! ☠ on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 12:46
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Tonya K

Leah, then just don't read it.
Posted by Tonya K on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 21:14
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Janice Oberding
Janice Oberding

"I would like to see good things, positive blogs and people praising people"

Then you should write these type of blogs Leah! Your post is judgmental. And that is as far from being spiritual as one can get. what is, is...Rather than telling others to be kind and get along, why don't you set that example? Of course you would have to step down from your lofty and presumptuous holier-than-thou perch. Surely you realize that the only person any of us can ever change is ourselves. While condemning and criticizing the behavior of others we aren't able to focus on those elements of our own personalities that need work. None of us are above human failings and shortcomings, not even you. You came here to judge and to set yourself up as somehow superior to the Divas. You have labeled the words of others as "bad, hateful and spiteful" You probably don't even realize that your words are bad, hateful and spiteful. But they are! They are judgmental, meant to antagonize, and belittle. The only person who seems to think they are special and a bag of chips is you..You came here to point fingers and to criticize. And I bet you truly believe yourself to be a spiritual person LMAO!!!

Posted by Janice Oberding on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 18:14
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Edward 'SunRay' Shanahan
Ed Shanahan

Hi Leah, The Unexplained World - Internet broadcast never attacks anyone, and even have guests on that maybe Annette or I don't go along with their 'thoughts' on things, lets say 'Demons or Evil Spirits', I personally get into the Demon Preaching, but we will still have guests on and treat them with respect.

I think in the over 3 1/2 years out broadcast has been on, there has been no personal attacks, nor that much talk about us (show dedicated to what I or Annette may think). So there are some (at least one), shows that don't go that way.

Also the Divas where one of our first guests, and back then, there where no attacking of any single person or group of people. I don't know if it goes on with their show, as personally the one I was on, they had problems with the service.

I have made statements on their blog, where we may not of agreed, but it never turned into a sling this or that fight.

Ed Shanahan

Posted by Edward 'SunRay' Shanahan on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 15:53
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We have never attacked a guest. We have never dedicated an entire show to one person on an attack. Do we call out stupidity? Yes. We can have disagreements here without bashing, it happens frequently. This particular blog is in response to someone making stupid, idiotic, uneducated statements about the Divas. Do we not have a right to defend ourselves? Uhm, sorry, I couldn't hear you? Was that a yes you thought in your head? Of course it was. We understand if you disagree with how we do it, but we have found in the past when you politely say, "Stop it, we don't like that," people misconstrue it as weakness or whatever. So we say what we have to say very directly, bluntly, and in a manner that there is no misunderstanding about where we are coming from. The truth hurts many people and you have to have thick skin to take the crap we take. People can dish it out, but heaven forbid should we give it back to someone. There is so much that has gone on lately that we have ignored, but let us pop up two days in a row addressing issues and all of a sudden we are the bad guys. It is one's choice to ignore the facts and live in little deluded worlds where everything is all nice and love and light, but we will not take people's insane BS lying down. That is not our style, never has been and never will be.

Posted by Amanda on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 17:16
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas

Funny that! You say no one is better than anyone else and you don't believe in the hierarchy, yet you call yourself the Paranormal Queen. Queen implies a certain superiority does it not? Do you feel superior to the rest of the world? So Queen, your entire preachy message smacks of hypocrisy. We are not in preschool, We don't need someone telling us how to behave. Don't like it? Move on!
You asked, why can't everyone get along? It doesn't work that way in the real world and it doesn't work that way in the paranormal. Not everyone can and does get along (just ask a politician about that) The paranormal is made up of many different personalities (like the real world.) To believe that we should/will all get along is naive. We are not all love and light. If you truly hate reading such blogs, why did you stick around and read the entire blog? Why did you stay long enough to let us know your displeasure? Why not just flip the page? Oh and your sentence about someone needing a chip knocked off their shoulders, sound's a bit aggressive, Queen. You behave the way you feel is right and we will do likewise. The woman started some shit and she's going to get shit back, simple as that! Now go on back to your love and light world and leave us to our drama :)

Posted by Ghost Divas on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 13:30
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Brian Hendrian

Posted by SHELBY PARANORMAL RESEARCH SOCIETY on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 13:40
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas

Um, are you new? No, we can't all get along. Because we're not all stupid. We curse. Fuck assholes. Don't like it? Don't read it? We're not here to promote unity and blow glitter up peoples' asses. We're here to tell the TRUTH about what happens in this idiot infested field of bullshit. And you are so wrong, there are a lot of people that are way better than other people. I could make you a list if you want...

Posted by Ghost Divas on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 13:29
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

Well, don't like our blog, don't read it. It's easy.

Thanks for the preaching but we will express ourselves the way we see fit. Ignore people?

Okay, why not email this broad and tell her to ignore us? We don't know who she is. She's a nobody and she's going around talking smack. Yes, we talk smack back. What kind of woman (or man) would just allow people to go around fucking them and just never say "stop" or let them know that we are aware of the fucking? Pussies, that's who. We are not that.

This chick just seems to want to get attention from us. She did not "take" our old time slot. WE Ditched Para-X (and we are still super happy about it!) and SHE thinks that it's some kind of accomplishment? What an idiot...figures though.
Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 13:08
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Joliet Paranormal Society™
John Rinehart

para-x sucks im suprised you guys went on there in the first place your move was a good choice
Posted by Joliet Paranormal Society™ on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 14:54
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Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS
Jamie Standifird

I dont suck and im on Para-x. Tell me why does Para-x suck?

Posted by Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 18:53
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

Nobody pointed a finger at you. Stop assuming. Why would you assume?

Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 19:35
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Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS
Jamie Standifird

Just saying... who sucks... you said there was bullshit at para-x. I am asking please explain......... I am not saying we haven't had sucky shows but the one who are eventually leave.

Posted by Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 19:43
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

We didn't suck, we left. A few others left that didn't suck either.

It's all the same show, different titles, different logos same message.

Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 19:59
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Joliet Paranormal Society™
John Rinehart

and now that they are sponsored by cbs its worse its a love and light station
Posted by Joliet Paranormal Society™ on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 14:56
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Joliet Paranormal Society™
John Rinehart

blog talk is the worst of them all but we have freedom and if that changes we will be done
Posted by Joliet Paranormal Society™ on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 14:58
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Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS
Jamie Standifird

Freedom? ummm no you don't lmao! Try and do a show on 9-11 or play a song you like, or disagree with the precious Jason. The sound sucks the quality sucks and the people suck period. Blog shit radio is where newbies go to practice having a radio show and those who are still there are there because they cant get in anywhere else. Para-x is freedom The only thing they dont alow is excessive cussing or bashing, period

Posted by Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 19:34
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Tonya K

Define excessive bashing, Jamie.

Does it include saying something negative, albeit true, about someone who Para-X has determined needs to have their ass kissed? Um...yeah. I think so.

That is MY opinion, and may not be one shared by the other Divas.
Posted by Tonya K on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 21:16
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

SRNLive is Paranormal Radio for Smart people. Hands down.

Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 20:01
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Joliet Paranormal Society™
John Rinehart

have you listened to our show??? that is the whole thing cussing and bashing.
Posted by Joliet Paranormal Society™ on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 19:40
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Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS
Jamie Standifird

lol Yes a while back I did listen. There are radio networks that allow that kind of thing and we cuss too just no F bombs and you will rarely hear a show with bashing on it but it has happened.

Posted by Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 20:24
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas

I couldn't reply to you below, so I will quote:

"Yes it is internet now but some have gone on to bigger and better things. Para-x will be one of those who do."
Posted by Jamie Outreach Paranormal & PV Radio on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 20:26
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Really? Para-X was a much better network before they started selling out to TAPS and quit allowing independent thinking and challenging the mainstream bs. Don't get me wrong, I like Dave and Tom and they were good to us. But we were definitely going against the grain and PROUD we were going against the grain!

Posted by Ghost Divas on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 22:20
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Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS
Jamie Standifird

Well I am sorry you think we cant express ourselves because we absolutely can, the only requirements is that we so it in a respectable mature way :)

Posted by Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 9:47
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

Define bashing.

HAving an opinion that TAPS and CHip Coffey sucks is not BASHING.

Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 21:28
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas

I'm responding to the comment below this one. Why do you think we need to have a valid reason for saying so? Valid to who? You? Dave & Tom? Our reasons are plenty valid to us and that's frankly all that matters.

No, we did not have freedom at ParaX. I'm fairly certain that you were not privy to the regularly scheduled scoldings we got. When we were asked to be on there (yes, we were asked) we were told there would be no censorship. Not only of words, but of opinions and thoughts. Then guess what happened. They started censoring our words, then came the opinions and thoughts. We were treated like red headed step children at ParaX because we refused to kiss everyone's ass. We were told not to use the show as our personal platform. WTF? Why the hell else would you HAVE a talk show if not to talk about what you wanted to talk about. Our shows were not in rotation with everyone else's shows. ParaX never promoted our show or any of our events even though we had ParaX plastered all over everything we did. They even deleted things we posted in OUR OWN message forum. Freedom my ass.

Posted by Ghost Divas on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 13:57
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Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS
Jamie Standifird

Nope it isnt but if you say those things you need to have valid reasons for saying so.

Posted by Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 9:19
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

"They" never listen to the shows. They feed off rumors.

Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 20:01
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Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS
Jamie Standifird

This is so untrue. I listened to you girls allot when you were at para-x

Posted by Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 9:17
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Joliet Paranormal Society™
John Rinehart

and i dont care about which station is better i just wont allow someone to tell me what i can or cant say if they dont like than dont listen i dont do it for blog hits or fame i do it because i like to.
Posted by Joliet Paranormal Society™ on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 19:43
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

It's INTERNET Radio, it's not the fucking serious.

Our show rocks because it attracts SMART people. Bottom line.

Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 20:02
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Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS
Jamie Standifird

Tonya H and your response about para-celebs and guests. I absolutely agree with you. I rarely have these people on my show. I get most my guests from the library and book stores. I read their books and if I like them I will track them down for an interview.

Posted by Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 9:22
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

No, because SMART people do not allow hosts or their guests to come on and brainwash and ass kiss their way into believing in ghosts.

SMART people laugh at people that will believe anything and tune into a show because someone is arrogantly exposed themselves in the paranormal field.

Smart people don't listen to stupid people. It's simple. NOT everyone believes that TV people are Gods and what every "guest" is a pillar of truth. Also, dont get me started on having guests on because they are "popular" and ignoring the fact that they are liars, scam artists and TV wanna be's that are just like EVERYONE else. I guess our version of education can be interpreted differently from those that do nothing but believe in everything.

Bigger and better? Like TV? hahahah or ass kissing conference appearences? How about selling ones identity to a "talen agent" since when did paranormal research need a talent scout or agent?

Different paths. Ours is real and not based on some pipe dream made out of fairies and pixie dust. We are the NORMAL people in this field. People just refuse to believe it.

Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 21:35
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Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS
Jamie Standifird

Yes your show does attract smart people with real valid opinions and views but it also a attracts a huge onslaught of drama seeking para whores.....

Posted by Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 20:28
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Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS
Jamie Standifird

Yes it is internet now but some have gone on to bigger and better things. Para-x will be one of those who do.
Posted by Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 20:26
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Brian Hendrian

Posted by SHELBY PARANORMAL RESEARCH SOCIETY on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 13:05
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

She's a wanna be. Nothing more. She will never be close to what we are as women, researchers and DIVAS.

Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 13:04
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Tonya K

Jamie, did you just refer to our listerners as "para-whores?" Seriously?
Posted by Tonya K on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 21:18
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Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS
Jamie Standifird

OK Tonya k. First of all you don't know me from a hole in the ground so dont act like you know me or my intentions and ill do you a favor and not make asumptions about you. Second of all. You (divas as a whole) have vailid points and views but the way you go about expressing them is nasty and dramatic period. Now because you bring up valid points you get smart listeners (me and others like me who will express our other valid opinions) but because of the way you adrees people and situations you attract "an onslaught of drama para whores" this is a fact. I am sorry if you were ofended by it, I thought you knew :P

Posted by Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 9:09
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas

It wouldn't let me reply above, so I'll reply here. No, we don't have to give anyone a reason why we don't agree with TAPS or why we aren't fond of Chip Coffey. Those are opinions and we're entitled to them. Without explanations due to anyone.

Yes, it is offensive that you brand our listeners as para whores or drama whores. They are smart, fun people that "get it." If you don't, well, that's YOUR issue, not ours.

If people don't like the way we address people they don't have to listen to the show or read our blogs. We're not changing it. You can say it's nasty or whatever but the bottom line is it's TRUTHFUL and the truth doesn't always come wrapped in pretty pink boxes with bows and we don't blow glitter up anyone's ass. If people can't handle the truth in a blunt way, then no, we are not for them. We are not begging people to like us. We don't care. Just simply move on if you don't like it. There are people that want the truth and they know we'll give it to them. Are we brash? Yes. So what. Get over it. It's the way we are and we aren't changing for anyone. We don't have to.


Posted by Ghost Divas on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 11:38
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Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS
Jamie Standifird

I didnt ask you to change. All I said is some people come here just to see the drama this makes them drama whores... Get over it. Like I said 2 categories smart people and drama whores period. Everyone knows its true. Im the only one whos saying anything and its because you keep miss quoting me. I did not call anyone here a drama whore in spacific just a genral term for people who are drama seekers. I know you telling yourself I said your listeners are drama whores just makes it easier for you to try to back me in a corner but its not the truth, just scroll up I have ben as spacific as humanly possibe, You have drama whores deal with it

Posted by Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 12:22
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Tammy Wilson

"Yes your show does attract smart people with real valid opinions and views but it also a attracts a huge onslaught of drama seeking para whores....."

Uh yeah, you did.

But seriously - do you think it's some big secret people are keeping - everyone but you because you have the balls to say so? Who cares. We do realize that there are certain people that only come here for the drama - however, we do not cater to those people and we do not enjoy those people. We cater to the smart people and the people that get it.

However, referring to the people that listen to our radio show as drama seeking para whores is a gross mischaracterization of them.

Flatter yourself all you want, we aren't looking to back you anywhere, but be accountable for what you say. Period.

Posted by Tammy on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 13:40
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Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS
Jamie Standifird

oh shut it! I SAID, AGAIN, YOU DO HAVE SMART LISTENERS BUT YOU ALSO HAVE DRAMA WHORES! HOLY FUCK READ LADIES! Did not call the smart people drama whores just the drama whores......

Posted by Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 13:43
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Tonya K

I'll quote again, "drama seeking para-whores"
Posted by Tonya K on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 15:33
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We did read, Jamie. You said we draw smart people and we draw drama whores. Are we supposed to now be able to read what you meant to say or what you actually wrote? Now that you have clarified it is a little clearer. However, I find it odd that yes, the drama whores have come crawling out of the woodwork this week and as you hvae left 100 of the 190 comments, you are perpetuating and feeding them. We certainly have not had any drama issues lately, but now we do and here you, Leah, BK and Mariann are feeding it and perpetuating it. SO let's rethink, who are the real drama whores?
Posted by Amanda on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 15:16
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Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS
Jamie Standifird

Yeah well stop trying to say I called people drama whores that I didnt. For being so damn proud I find it amazing that when I introduced myself to you at midsiuth you (Tonya) denied even being a diva and then telling me when we got home that it was because you heard someone say 'I heard those Diva bitches are here", Not so proud in person are you...... Its ashame...... Just admit when you are wrong once in a while.

Posted by Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 18:02
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Lainey Lee

I would rather be a para whore than a dumb ass!!

Posted by Lainey Lee on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 11:25
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Tonya K

NONE of our regular listeners in our chatroom are drama-seeking para-whores. They are all intelligent, kind individuals capable of rational thought. If that is your definition of a "whore," then I'll send you a dictionary :)
Posted by Tonya K on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 10:51
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Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS
Jamie Standifird

Again, I must have stuttered the 10 times I have had to re explain this. I don't need a dictionary. I was referring to people who come because of the drama....... You do have drama whores deal with it....... geesh

Posted by Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 12:25
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Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS
Jamie Standifird

oops I meant Tonya H

Posted by Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 10:40
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Janice Oberding
Janice Oberding

Yes Jamie I was wondering the same thing. Did you just call our listeners 'para-whores?" Why?

Posted by Janice Oberding on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 21:38
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

SHe did.

PS- She's not a paranormal researcher. She has an interest, got a show and is now attempting to be some kind of representative for Paranormal and Paranormal radio.

Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 21:36
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Tonya K

Since when is it ok to just call our listeners nasty names? We have the smartest, most interesting group of regular listeners out there. The chatroom is always rockin'!!!! And not with love and light gang-bangers who wax poetic about pooping out fairie dust and bunny smiles while getting "impressions" and kissing the ass of para-celebs.

Who made her the poster child for para-crack babies???
Posted by Tonya K on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 21:51
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Brian Hendrian

Posted by SHELBY PARANORMAL RESEARCH SOCIETY on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 13:04
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas


Posted by Ghost Divas on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 13:45
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

Mellen is a retardified skank

Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 15:01
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Brian Hendrian

Posted by SHELBY PARANORMAL RESEARCH SOCIETY on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 14:03
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas

I LOVE LOVE LOVE how we haven't had a drama blog in months and now because WE voice an opinion about some hacks that are starting shit, WE'RE the bad guys. What the fuck ever. DON'T GODDAMNED READ IT IF IT FUCKING IRRITATES YOU.

Posted by Ghost Divas on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 13:23
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Brian Hendrian

Posted by SHELBY PARANORMAL RESEARCH SOCIETY on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 13:31
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☠ Leah...The Paranormal Queen! ☠

Whoa here ladies, BACK OFF!!! Don't come at me for speaking peace and that is all I've done. I've never heard of this Andrea and if you would so kind to give me her MS page, I'll say the same thing.

Yes, it is very rightful to protect yourself, but there are other ways of doing it respectfully. This is all I am saying. Don't come at me with a vengeance, I am just stating what I see. No one gets to the top by being this way. Please come together and be one...unite instead of igniting the fire.

Is this all really necessary? BE NICE TO ME I AM "NOT" YOUR ENEMY!!!!!



Posted by ☠ Leah...The Paranormal Queen! ☠ on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 13:32
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No Leah, you are not our enemy, you like to emulate us, don't you?
Posted by Amanda on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 15:18
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Don't waste your time, Leah. These women LOVE people like you to come along. They love the drama and picking people apart that disagree with them or just want to speak their mind, as you did. Been there, done that...not worth it!

Posted by ☮Mariann☮ on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 16:38
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Tonya K

Wait. Is this the same Mariann who begged us to return to our friends list? LMFAO.

the same Mariann who never comments on a meaningful blog, but jumps right in when she sees a chance to get involved in "drama" that has NOTHING whatsoever to do with her?

The same Mariann who would be better off spending her time cleaning her shower? Give me a fucking break.
Posted by Tonya K on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 21:20
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The fearless paranormal investigator

Oh and Tonya K, I never beg for ANYTHING! You are the ones that delete me. Get your facts straight! I simply asked to see a blog. Stop trashing me with your childish name calling.

Posted by The fearless paranormal investigator on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 22:33
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Tonya K

I didn't call you names.
Posted by Tonya K on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 15:43
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The fearless paranormal investigator

Oh Tonya you poor baby, just because you don't fit into a size 6 doesn't mean you have to make fun of me! Maybe if you went to a gym as much as you run your fucking mouth here you'd be skinny too! Stop hating, it is very unproductive! =P I can't believe you are still bringing up one of my modeling photo's. Hey, at least I don't have to hide behind a fucking tombstone. Yikes!

Posted by The fearless paranormal investigator on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 22:26
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Lainey Lee

As an outsider looking in, man, you come across as trashy!

Posted by Lainey Lee on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 11:27
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The fearless paranormal investigator

Me trashy, now that is funny. I came on here to tell Leah something NOT the DIVAS. And look there they go again attacking me. They dish it out and I will always defend myself.

Posted by The fearless paranormal investigator on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 15:05
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Tonya K

If you were merely interested in telling Leah something, you could have sent her a private message. You chose to leave it here, and as such, it is intended as communication with us since it is on OUR blog.

Holy crap people...we aren't running a public library....this is a private blog. If you don't like what we have to say, oh well. Don't read it. I don't give a fuck if you read it or not.
Posted by Tonya K on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 15:44
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas

You might be skinny but you are a stupid and kind of ugly bitch that will NEVER win an argument with the Ghost Divas.



Posted by Ghost Divas on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 23:55
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The fearless paranormal investigator

Wow, you must still be in High School. Only teenagers talk like that or white trash women. You show it well. Ick! You are the ones that made fun of a photo of mine that is not nasty in any way. You are apparently jealous. You always make the lowest blows. It is disgusting and sad that you cannot talk intelligently, EVER!

Posted by The fearless paranormal investigator on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 15:09
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The fearless paranormal investigator

Oh I know the truth hurts doesn't it? You make a blog running your mouths saying your "exposing" the bad things in this field. I jump on to warn new ones to not waste their time with you ladies. You are all about drama. not me, sorry! Or I would be here more. I don't have a problem with you until you attack people that want to speak their mind. Don't put up a blog if you don't want the shit that can come with it. You ladies thrive on DRAMA and You have said it here many times! This is a game to you. So stop attacking me! You are all like spiders waiting.....

Posted by The fearless paranormal investigator on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 22:09
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas

You are an idiot. Nothing more.

PS We heard that you are not very pretty either. SEE a DENTIST

Posted by Ghost Divas on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 23:56
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The fearless paranormal investigator

Oh no that hurt so bad! Please don't make fun of my teeth, that you know nothing about! Waaahhhh! *rolls eyes* Anyone that would judge a book by its cover is ignorant, period!

Posted by The fearless paranormal investigator on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 15:11
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Tammy Wilson

Really? Isn't that what YOU'RE doing with the whole "sorry you can't fit into a size 6" shit? You can't even keep your own shit straight. You're batshit crazy.

Posted by Tammy on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 15:59
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas

Up until yesterday we have not had ANY freaking drama and you know that! Suddenly there's drama and you come in trying to protect the innocent? Whatever! Gere's the drama and here you are. Not a very good case for you. And I have been the one that has sai, she's been acting okay, I think she can do this. You were cool for awhile. But now here you have to prove me wrong. Sorry fellow Divas, I was wrong this time.

Posted by Ghost Divas on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 23:31
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if you were not about the drama, you would not be here right now....and especially would not be trying to start shit that has nothing to do with you.....seriously...
Posted by Jerianne on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 22:34
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The fearless paranormal investigator

AGAIN, Mariann did not come to this blog to start shit with anyone. Mariann wrote to Leah about the diva's and how they act. In turn the diva's decided to attack Mariann as usual! If you are not going to read what I write then shut up!

God, does anyone here talk intelligently here? No wonder you have no replies on your blogs.

Posted by The fearless paranormal investigator on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 15:14
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Tonya K

Again, Mariann, who among other things likes to refer to herself in the third person, came here with no other intent than to start crap. As per usual.
Posted by Tonya K on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 15:45
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Tonya K

Yep, Jeriane. She does this EVERY time. Poor widdle Mariann needs some attention-wention...awww....poor widdle Mariann....

First of all, this blog was not about her. Secondly, we attacked nobody....we simply defended ourselves.

Modeling photo, my ass. Go take some valium or lithium or whatever psychotropic drug you need in order to stabilize yourself, Mariann. If your only defense is to make fun of my weight, go right ahead. I happen to be very comfortable with myself.....You must really not like yourself and need to bring yourself up by making fun of me....

It's quite laughable, really! Go where you're actually wanted, Mariann....that is, if you can find someplace that would want you and your idiotic rambling.
Posted by Tonya K on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 10:56
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The fearless paranormal investigator

Here you go again with your white trash talk. yay! *barf*

Posted by The fearless paranormal investigator on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 15:15
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Tonya K

I figured I should put it in terms that you could understand, Mariann. White trash talk works best when talking to white trash.

I have more class in my left pinkie toe in one moment of time than you have in all of eternity.
Posted by Tonya K on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 15:47
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Lainey Lee

Is this the same Marianne who had those really butt ugly modeling pics???

Posted by Lainey Lee on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 11:28
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

Leah is nice. I don't have a problem with her. She's just misinformed. You on the other hand Mariann, are a total dumb ass. You come here and dive into drama because that' what you do. You NEVER have anything to contribute outside of being a dumb ass. In fact, every time you have posted here it has been a dumb ass response.

Leah- NICE


Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 18:12
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The fearless paranormal investigator

Oh yeah right! You have all attacked Leah here. When you post something productive and REAL then you might see me contribute. I have been asking for real info since I found you, but I have yet to see it! You know I expose shady paranormal peeps too, but not like this. You ladies go TOO far!!

Posted by The fearless paranormal investigator on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 22:30
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I didn't attack Leah. I simply said, "then don't read it." That's the same advice I give to everyone who offers criticism of the contents of this blog.

This is a private blog. We are not the local news. What we put on here is not meant for you if you can't handle reading it without twisting up your panties.
Posted by Tonya K on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 15:48
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Tonya K

FUCK you, Mariann. You are a fucking liar. There are MANY blogs that provide thoughtful discussion and commentary, but you are so stupid that you are afraid to actually engage in those discussions.
Posted by Tonya K on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 10:57
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas


YOU are Stupid and need a DENTAL PLAN

Posted by Ghost Divas on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 23:56
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas

Really? I have never given you any productive info when you asked for it? Liar.
Posted by Ghost Divas on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 23:32
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Brian Hendrian

Posted by SHELBY PARANORMAL RESEARCH SOCIETY on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 17:36
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The fearless paranormal investigator

Brain please. I'm talking about them attacking Leah. Someone that wanted to share her opinion. But I guess that is a BIG no no here. I have no idea what the point of this blog was because you can't see who's blog it came from. DOH!

Posted by The fearless paranormal investigator on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 22:43
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Really Mariann? C'mon now. I thought you admitted that there are many occasions that you finally understood and saw where we are coming from? I am pretty sure you did. Are you being flaky and changing your mind yet again?
Posted by Amanda on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 17:18
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The fearless paranormal investigator

Yes Amanda on SOME occasions, but unfortunately they are far and few between... Like I just said to Tonya K or whom ever up above here. I will say something when I see you all attacking someone who wanted to speak their mind. Yes it is your blog, but you have it open for people to read so stop attacking when someone has a different point of view. I have in the past enjoyed when you blog about real issues and not drama filled bs! I have been very interested in some of your events and opinions. But not this shit! This is HS shit!

Posted by The fearless paranormal investigator on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 22:41
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And who turned it into HS shit? We posted a blog defending ourselves to some woman who lied about us, bagged on us, etc. Then people come HERE, passing judgements on US, telling us we are mean and disrespectful? Other people came here saying we have attacked people, when we have not. That seems like they were coming here passing judgement on us. Oh hell, I'm NOT explaining this shit to you all over again. You are so fucking obstinate none of this will ever soak into to that hard head of yours.
Posted by Amanda on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 15:25
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

She lied and only comes here when there is GD-Juice.

Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 19:36
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas

Seriously, Mariann, you're a broken record. And you're stupid. And wrong. Here we have no drama forever and where have you been? Oh, that's right, NOT HERE. Why's that? Because you sit around waiting to pounce on the first inkling of it and rush to be a big stupid ignorant bitch by blabbing your drivel all over the place about how mean we are.


We didn't start shit, we are simply RESPONDING to it.

AGAIN, if you don't fucking like us, MARIANN, go the fuck away and stop pretending to be some love & light savior defending against the evil Divas.

Jesus fucking Christ. Are you people for goddamned REAL??? We haven't seen hide nor hair of most of you on anything else we've done over the last several months but they sure as fuck come outta the wood work to see some confrontation...

It proves our point - AGAIN - that you can talk all the shit you want, the only time you're here is when there's drama. We have been perfectly happy in our own little world WITHOUT the drama, thankyouverymuch, but we're not going to just sit idly by while some hosebags talk shit.


Posted by Ghost Divas on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 17:01
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The fearless paranormal investigator

No Tammy YOU prove MY point over and over! You have to call people names and belittle them. You just love when I come on a warn someone. If I liked drama I would be here daily because that is ALL you dish out here. I was talking about you all attacking Leah not your dumb ass blog! You sure are a quick one! You even wrote here that you guys or I mean ladies love the drama. It is all a game to you. Your blogs have proved that time and time again.

Posted by The fearless paranormal investigator on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 22:49
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

You come here to get belittled. You are setting yourself up you lunatic. Am I the only person that see's this?

Posted by Tonya H on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 18:43
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Tammy Wilson

You are retarded. Seriously. I don't mean in that in the name calling sense, I mean that in the you lack the mental capacity to interact with normal society.

You seriously come here, start shit, and then go on and on about how you're just protecting people WE attack? Are you off your fuckin' rocker? YOU AND LEAH both came to OUR blog and started the attacking you crazy bitch. Do you even pay attention to what you're saying? Apparently not or you'd see how asinine it is. You don't even make sense.

Posted by Tammy on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 14:54
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas

Where do you see that we LOVE this drama? SHOW ME! You are really starting to piss me off! Tell you what. Prior to yesterday, go back and give me the date of our last drama blog. Do it!
Posted by Ghost Divas on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 23:34
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Hmmm, no answer to this one. Par for the course and yet again, proving we are not the crazy ones here. She couldn't do it.
Posted by Amanda on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 15:27
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

Mariann is Mellen on a good day.

Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 20:03
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

Not being mean, just offering some clarification.
Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 15:02
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bahahahahahah, that's perfect Tonya
Posted by Jerianne on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 22:54
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Brian Hendrian

Posted by SHELBY PARANORMAL RESEARCH SOCIETY on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 13:47
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The fearless paranormal investigator

Just as I have the right to stand up for myself when they choose to attack me. I do not care that they stood up to that lame blog they posted but they did not have to attack Leah!! Do you GET IT YET???? good god it is like talking to a fucking wall here. UGH!

Posted by The fearless paranormal investigator on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 22:52
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Lainey Lee

FYI dumbass, YOU came in here mouthing off and THEN got attacked. No one onvited you to the party, you chose to gate crash and stick your nose in where obviously its not wanted!!

Posted by Lainey Lee on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 11:31
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

Lainey Lee hit the nail on the head.

Posted by Tonya H on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 18:44
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas

We did not attack Leah. We told her, in our style that we are not love and light and that she was being just as judgemental as she was accusing us of being. Period. She came here!
Posted by Ghost Divas on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 23:36
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Actually, I have always called this a Spiders web!!! They LOVE drama!! Hey at least they admit it now. =P

Posted by ☮Mariann☮ on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 16:36
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wow, mariann.....are you bi-polar? one minute you leave mature and daresay supporting comments on the Diva's, in blogs, apparently, it seemed at the time i read them, trying to be a positive part of the communications back and forth..almost like you want an unspoken truth.....b ut then the first time u see somone jumpo on the Diva's,, you go back to the Mariann we all know and love when you first exploded onto the Ghgost Diva's blogs half-naked in a who's the REAL dram queen? You seem to love jumoing in with your worthless 2 cents, following the kool-aid kids. You are the one that takes every opportunity to send a little dig in trying to get some of the attention for yourself.....gawd, that reminds me of someone.....her initials? UMM LET ME THINK....MEH! I'll just call you Mellen Jr
Posted by Jerianne on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 22:10
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The fearless paranormal investigator

Oh look it's the pot calling the kettle black! You once hated them, but you were not strong enough to stand up to them so you joined them. You are a hypocrite!

Posted by The fearless paranormal investigator on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 23:22
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Tonya K

Oh, and Mariann....Jerianne disagrees with us from time to time on this blog. She is a very strong woman with opinions that matter.

You, on the other hand.....
Posted by Tonya K on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 15:50
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no, i was wron, i stepped back, realized I was wrong, stated that I was wrong and apologized. Gave myself half a chance to get to know these ladies, and discovered that we were on the same side. Although we did (and still do) diasagree on certain things. but that makes it fun...and interesting. I still have mad respect for all of them. I did NOT rip them a new asshole and then all of the sudden start leaving peachy swell comments signed with smiley faces and "xo" and pretend that I wanted to come from California for the slumber party and spend a whole night with them, only waiting for the first sign of anti-diva drama so I could once more pounce on the with claws bared....YOU are the fucking hypocrite, not to mention crazy ass-bitch
Posted by Jerianne on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 7:58
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas

No, Jerianne was given wrong information. She took a step back and realized we really do speak the truth, we are just a little brash with it from time to time. She also particpates in all blogs not just this kind of bullshit.
Posted by Ghost Divas on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 23:38
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ummmmmmm i meant unspoken TRUCE, not truth....UGGGH!

Either way, you suck're shtick is tired and old, so fuck off

Posted by Jerianne on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 22:32
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just a few samples of comments Mariann has left on previous blog entries by the Diva's trying to be nice I guess

RE: The paranormal slumber party

If this is real I would love to be there, but I don't know where you are having this party. Can you message me with where, so I know if I even have the chance to attend? Thank you ladies. xo

and one more.....
Ha Ha! I was wondering when you were going to make a spoof off what TAPS is letting their "family members" do. Who the fuck needs a class? You learn from doing. This is a hobby and they are ripping people off that don't know any better. I guess J and Grant don't make enough money from Sci-Fi? Give me a break! Maybe we should ALL teach paranormal classes.

seriously, bi-polar much?

Posted by The fearless paranormal investigator on 16 Jun 09 Tuesday - 19:41

Posted by Jerianne on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 22:50
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The fearless paranormal investigator

No that would be called Mariann didn't read the entire blog first, oops! Sorry to disappoint you but I'm not bi-polar! Like I have stated here last night, I do enjoy some blogs here when they are intelligent. but that is a rare thing. I support the divas when they do something good and productive in this field, not this stupid shit!

Posted by The fearless paranormal investigator on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 15:21
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Wow, that is a pretty lame explanation, even for Mariann.....didn't read the entire blog? ummm, maybe you just looked at the pictures...hooked on phonix worked for Jerianne.....Jerianne thinks Mariann is an idiot.....she (Mariann) has stated her point several times, over and over and over...and over and over and over, and Jerianne is getting sick of reading about how Marianne is defending Leah, who is another fucked up case all her own. If Mariann hates having to explain Mariann's motives and thinks that Jerianne and the ONLY Divas are such bad people, then Mariann can just click on the little word HOME and leave to visit her own blog....Jerianne likes that.....
Posted by Jerianne on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 18:59
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besideswasn't this blag an open letter to Andrea Jamison , not LEAH, or MARIANN???? just askin
Posted by Jerianne on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 19:01
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas

You wouldn't know intelligent if it smacked you in the ass and called you "honey."

Posted by Ghost Divas on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 16:56
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas

Thank you, Jerianne!
Posted by Ghost Divas on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 23:40
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Tonya K

Stupid flies keep returning to our "web," don't they, Mariann?

Fly away now....shoo.
Posted by Tonya K on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 21:53
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

Marianna, shew.

Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 17:56
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Quantum Paranormal
Quantum Paranormal


Where? I'm clueless.

Posted by Quantum Paranormal on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 13:58
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Brian Hendrian

Posted by SHELBY PARANORMAL RESEARCH SOCIETY on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 14:10
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Quantum Paranormal
Quantum Paranormal

"This specific blog entry you're trying to read is currently set to be viewable to the blog owner friends only."

Posted by Quantum Paranormal on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 14:23
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Brian Hendrian

Posted by SHELBY PARANORMAL RESEARCH SOCIETY on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 14:25
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Quantum Paranormal
Quantum Paranormal

I did.

Posted by Quantum Paranormal on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 14:41
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Brian Hendrian

Posted by SHELBY PARANORMAL RESEARCH SOCIETY on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 15:00
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas

"No one gets to the top by being this way"

Getting to the top may be your paranormal goal, what makes you think it is ours?

Posted by Ghost Divas on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 13:42
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Brian Hendrian

Posted by SHELBY PARANORMAL RESEARCH SOCIETY on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 13:51
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas

Is there even a "top" in this community? It's all about perception, I guess.
Posted by Ghost Divas on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 14:02
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Tonya K

Right. Who wants to sit on top of a bunch of garbage? It stinks just as much up there......
Posted by Tonya K on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 21:22
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Jeff Sylvia
Jeff Sylvia

Can someone give me the name of any person who retired "on top" in the paranormal field with so many riches that they now reside in Bali with a beach in front them and a tiki bar behind them ? On top of what ?? with you ladies...perception folks... now i dont agree with starting shit...but I sure do agree with finishing it... Rock ON!
Posted by Jeff Sylvia on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 18:31
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas

Thanks, Jeff! We are very glad you get it!
Posted by Ghost Divas on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 19:06
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Joliet Paranormal Society™
John Rinehart

yeah the top is being a d list celebrity on a cable show
Posted by Joliet Paranormal Society™ on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 14:47
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

Who is this person? Really, her show sucks because it's on Para-X. Nothing more to say. That's where sell out go, stay and hang. Well, about 95% of them are sell outs.
Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 15:03
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Joliet Paranormal Society™
John Rinehart

this is her

Posted by Joliet Paranormal Society™ on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 15:38
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

For a "fat girl" I am feeling REALLY skinny.

she needs to talk about NOBODY. Her show sucks monkey balls btw.

Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 17:57
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Brian Hendrian

Posted by SHELBY PARANORMAL RESEARCH SOCIETY on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 19:49
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Joliet Paranormal Society™
John Rinehart

sorta looks like a bad cambell soup add dosent it??
Posted by Joliet Paranormal Society™ on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 15:25
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Brian Hendrian

Posted by SHELBY PARANORMAL RESEARCH SOCIETY on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 15:18
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Joliet Paranormal Society™
John Rinehart

well her show sucks because she is on it the para-x thing is a given
Posted by Joliet Paranormal Society™ on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 15:13
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~*The Great Teganini*~(Joeys Girl)
Tegan Reed

i think these people/idiots are just sitting. waiting. watching your every move for the right time to jump out and attack the Divas, too bad they don't realize that they have 0% chance of winning ,or even affect you in any way lol i'm not sure they realize who there up against. i know who you guys are , i mean , i live with one of you so i'm very aware of the power you girls hold lol =)

keep rockin tha paranormal with the truth, sugar coated or not


Posted by ~*The Great Teganini*~(Joeys Girl) on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 15:01
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Janice Oberding
Janice Oberding

Tegan you are adorable!!

Posted by Janice Oberding on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 17:18
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

She did that all on her own. Just a nice gift for a parent. My child has MORE common sense than the majority of the paranormal field.

Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 17:58
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reap sow

Screw para-x most of the shows there suck and the only listeners they have are the hosts of other shows,it's like goin into a cult when you enter the chat there all the people chanting 'para-x is the most wonderfully wonderful radio anywhere' The Ghost Divas LIVE pulls great numbers of smart listeners REAL listeners not just names residing in chat to give the appearance of popularity. I guess you could always claim numbers like 1.8 million but that would just be stupid.

Posted by reap sow on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 15:18
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Brian Hendrian

Posted by SHELBY PARANORMAL RESEARCH SOCIETY on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 15:30
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

She at Mellen didn't she?

Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 18:00
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

I meant ATE!

Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 18:00
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Janice Oberding
Janice Oberding

Is that why she looks so sad? Left a bad taste in her mouth

Posted by Janice Oberding on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 18:26
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas

lmao Janice!!!!!
Posted by Ghost Divas on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 19:07
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Free All Spirits
Kirby Robinson

Like I said who needs The TNT network when you got para celebs and para celeb wannabes why post a blog sttacking you ladies when there are para celebs out there doing fake shows and hurting the public
Posted by Free All Spirits on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 16:30
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Kenny Ò–

Para-X has gone to shit. With the exception of a couple of good shows, it's a three ring circus over there, complete with jugglers. Claiming she "took" the Diva's spot is like saying, 'I am too stupid to NOT be here.'

Posted by Kenny Ò– on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 16:41
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

Kenny, that was amazing.

Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 17:59
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Brian Hendrian

Posted by SHELBY PARANORMAL RESEARCH SOCIETY on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 17:38
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Direct Voice Communication

Try not to let it get to you ladies, everyone know you put on a great show. Lots of silly people about who talk smack about people without even knowing them. Just this week I was informed about some stupid lady here on Myspace that claims her and I are BFF and sending people emails like "I never used to like her but now her and I talk all the time and she told me this that and the other." ALL complete LIES. I don't even know this woman! Never spoken to her in my life! She is another one of those preachy love & light Mediums and obviously delusional so I let it be because you cant win a fight with someone that's cracked. I guess what im trying to say is, defending yourself depends on who is saying what and if its even worth the time responding. From what I have read I say go get em even if its just for a giggle. Hopefully it will teach them a lesson and they'll think twice next time. Chin up and keep doing your thing!
Posted by Carly-Rose on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 17:55
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"even if it's just for a giggle"

Carly Rose definitely gets it!
Posted by Amanda on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 18:20
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

Carly Rose is now one of my new BFF's!

Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 18:00
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Mine too!
Posted by Amanda on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 18:19
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Direct Voice Communication

Sorry girls but apparently the role of my new BFF is already taken but you can be my new BFF's should she fall off the wagon again or something! What a joke. Its people like this that make me want to run for the hills sometimes. They are just so bloody annoying and don't know when to shut it.

Posted by Carly-Rose on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 19:09
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas

I think she may be more likely to quit being your BFF when she gets back on the wagon.
Posted by Ghost Divas on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 19:13
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Direct Voice Communication

Good point! Someone call AA or her sponsor will ya!? LMAO

Posted by Carly-Rose on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 19:48
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Jeff Sylvia
Jeff Sylvia

The more people I meet, the more I love my dog .
Who ever was hanging out way back when, drinking a Sam Adams and came up with "freedom of speech".... thank F'ing God for you !
and thank GOD for Steve Wilkos !!! Rock ON Divas !!!

Posted by Jeff Sylvia on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 18:24
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Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS
Jamie Standifird

Get shoked left para-x a while back right? Your time slot? What am I missing. She and hubby screwed over you know who and I wont go near anything with SHOK on it. Please tell me they arnt back?!?!

Posted by Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 18:48
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

It's on their website.

Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 19:40
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas

She put on a farce of a "conference" this last weekend. She sold four tickets and only had three people in attendance. Over the course of the weekend, she ran around saying that her husband wanted to get back on Para-X, so they did some major ass kissing to do so. She then proceeded to brag that she got the Divas slot, but the Divas sucked anyway. We simply responded to her and this is what ensued. Oh, and she was running around saying not only did our show suck, but we were fired from Para-X, which everyone knows is not true. We just felt like we were going in a completely different direction than Para-X and made our polite exit. Now you are up to speed!
Posted by Ghost Divas on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 19:11
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Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS
Jamie Standifird

I read the blog and read Brians yesterday so yes I am aware of whats going on. My question did they actuality get on para-x?

Posted by Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 19:14
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Should probably consult Dave and Tom to get that answer.
Posted by Amanda on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 20:54
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Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS
Jamie Standifird

My concern is I dont want to be on any network with them, that would be humiliating....

Posted by Jamie Paravision Radio & OPRS on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 19:16
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Brian Hendrian

Posted by SHELBY PARANORMAL RESEARCH SOCIETY on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 22:21
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Quantum Paranormal
Quantum Paranormal


Posted by Quantum Paranormal on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 10:53
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Brian Hendrian

Posted by SHELBY PARANORMAL RESEARCH SOCIETY on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 11:27
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I know of someone who has acted the way you divas have acted in the past and are acting now and now has pretty much hit rock bottom and has lost EVERYTHING. You see ladies when you are judgemental of others treat others badly, act, talk, use and abuse and are just plain nasty to people in this way it will come back to bite you in the ass eventually. Karma comes round. Now by no means am I perfect and I try not to judge others. I am not judging here I am simply stating what I am reading. I do not know who Andrea is but I do know that you are attacking 2 of my friends one in another blog. I know these 2 ladies to be the type of to always be there to help a friend. They are 2 of the most generous and caring people I have ever known. So I supposse I am next to be attacked but I really do not care. I HATE seeing this type of behavior within the parenormal community. Kinda reminds of the popo, paranormal police yahoo group last year. So when my sista Leah says she wishes everyone could put aside the hate she means exactly that. We as a whole should be striving to and working with each other. Do we not have the same goals?
Posted by BK on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 19:23
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You are coming here being judgemental. You came here just TO be judgemental. If you really read the blogs, then also learn to comprehend what you are reading. These blogs have been in response to other blogs and attacks on us. Why is it you people listen to bat-shit crazy people say and do not keep an objective mind. Your friend, Mellen, broke a truce on three occasions. We finally responded. She is fucking insane because we don't even know what the fuck she is talking about. She is a nobody in this field and wants so badly to be somebody. The funny thing is, when she gets bored and feels like she is not getting attention she comes after us. This Andrea chick is brand new to us. DOn't know who she is, don't care, but she needs to quit gossiping and spreading rumors about us. We mind our own business until provoked other wise. Get a fucking clue! And we called Leah nice. We just don't do the love and light bullshit here and everybody knows that. So take your smoke blowing and try somebody's else ass, because we take NOTHING up the ass with or wothout lube and we certainly won't take anyone's shit without having a right to defend ourselves. Find the post in response to Ed in this blog and see where I state we are blunt for a purpose. People know where we stand and there are no bones about it. No room for misunderstanding that way. Have a I been clear enough for you or do I need to dumb it down a little more for you?
Posted by Amanda on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 21:05
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

Hey BK, just to fall into the stereotype that you are so confident we are I need to say this.

For starters we are not "Acting" at all. This is the real deal. Don't believe me? Listen to our show. We are NOT hiding behind a keyboard with our words. We type what we would say. YOUR world is perfectly fine all rolled up in cult based night grain sugar, ours, Hell no.

I do not have the same goals as you. WHAT are your goals, since you are asking. Seriously, what the fuck are your goals? "to prove there is such things as ghosts?" Might as well set out to prove that women can obtain orgasms better when they place cheese on their nipples. It's about personal belief and yes Preference. What works for "you" may not work for everyone... therefore my goals are not as yours.

Also, YOU are not the Fucking Pope or any other God like authority that has the right to go around stating that Karma is going to get us. Because you are so ignorant to NOT see that WE did not start it, who's karma is waiting to come around? You are a confused individual where I find it amusing and alarming that you feel that you are some kind of Karama-Cop. You CAN'T just say someone is going to "get it" from Habalalatchkamojo the Paranormal Fields Karmatic Police force.

If I want to call someone names or poke at their ignorance, I can and I will. To get on your level and to close this response all I have to say is "THEY STARTED IT".

Freaking THINK before you post here.

Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 19:49
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I dont control karma, I have just seen that what you put out there is exactly what you get back. The goal I speak of is the paranormal community working together rather then all the drama and fighting. But it seems there is not any type of reasoning with any of you because obviously you want the drama and the hate in your life. You say you are not acting? So this is really the kind of person you are ? I really do try my best not to be judgemetal, however, you all seem to feed off the negativity. You tell people here if you dont like it dont read it and move on but yet you do the opposite you read it and attack. So which is it? I am done here you are obviously people I dont want to be associated with so bye bye. Do not respond becasue I will be taking you off my list and blocking you.
Posted by BK on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 20:22
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Quantum Paranormal
Quantum Paranormal

The Divas have been this way for years now. I sarcastically joke that they are "drama whores." People like them. Not all, of course, but many. People like drama. Some don't. If you don't like it, like a radio, don't listen. I don't mean to sound offensive, just saying it's a choice one can make. I don't agree with everything they do. I just like to sit, read, and let the drama unfold. It's entertainment!


Posted by Quantum Paranormal on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 10:56
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Joliet Paranormal Society™
John Rinehart

wow looks walgreens must be having a prozak shortage or the goverment quit paying for there prescriptions
Posted by Joliet Paranormal Society™ on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 0:25
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Brian Hendrian

Posted by SHELBY PARANORMAL RESEARCH SOCIETY on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 22:24
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oh no! Don't block them, whatever will they do without you! Sending ya'll virtual kleenex, Diva's. I know this breaks your heart

As a matter of fact, would it be swell if all this asshats and fucktards that just troll your blogs waiting for you to say something to piss them off would all delete you from their friends and block you? That would be cool....cuz as far a s I can see, stating your own opinion to a person on your own personal blog that in most cases is read by friends, or people you know, people who like you, and like what you have to say. Way too many people add peopel that they know are going to say something to hurt their widdle (sic ewww mellen word) feelings, so who the FUCK is the drama searchers now?" The Divas didn't go anywhere and wreaqk havoc on anybody elses site ( and the rarely do, unless they are pushed far enough, anf it takes a lot). They post their feelings (omg, the Ghost Diva's have feelings...YES FUCKTARD<>
Posted by Jerianne on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 22:20
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sorry for the grammatical errors, i make a lot of them when i am typing furiously and in a mood


Posted by Jerianne on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 22:22
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Tammy Wilson

BK - karma is not a negative thing and you clearly have no understanding of it.

What we put out there is truth and honesty. If that's what bites me in the ass, so be it.

You don't get it and please do leave because we don't want you here.


Posted by Tammy on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 22:19
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Janice Oberding
Janice Oberding

BK how lovely of you. Come to our blog and attack us then runaway whining "Bye Bye"
Who are you to tell others how to behave? Who are you to say how you think the paranormal community should be? Karma is a word that is slung around a lot by love and light types. Karma dear, will come to everyone not just the Divas. If you don't like our blog, why are you here? What was your intent? Wasn't it to cause drama? Your karma is waiting..

Posted by Janice Oberding on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 20:46
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker


Dear BK,

You can't get the last word on the Ghost Diva Blog. It's not your blog. You are WRONG. Sorry, it's just the truth. Listen to our show tonight, maybe you will be on it like the rest of the idiots.

Posted by Tonya H on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 20:24
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sorry, i'm lost..i have no idea who the fuck she is.....does that make me a nobody, too? I am really getting FUCKING tired of these FUCKING so-called paracelebreties (which btw is NOT ewven a FUCKING word) getting so FUCKING full of themselves for absofuckinglutely no reason....get a clue assholes, the tiome for your place in the spotlight is almost up. All this attention and media hype is just a phase, and then where the FUCK will you be? right back at your boring old lives doing day to day drudge work, or maybe collecting welfare and living off the rest of us hardworking FUCK ALL YOUPARACELBS....go to hell
Posted by Jerianne on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 21:56
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note of clarification....i am not referring to any of the Ghost Divas, they are not paracelebreties in the sense these morons are.....I happen to have a LOT of respect for these women, and have come to think of them as my fuck with them, and you fuck with a WHOLE lot of people who will fuck back...and I am one of them.....

Sorry, this really hit a bad note with me, cuz i am in a pissy mood and hurting......but I know the Diva's are cool with it

And if I offended anyone with my profanity, tough shit, get the fuck over it

and one more thing...Mellen is a fucking lunatic....I have never seen some one who is in so much need of psyciatric help....she is an idiot, and a dumb stupid cunt.....yeah I went there

Posted by Jerianne on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 22:00
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas

Jerrianne is normal, like us.

Posted by Ghost Divas on 22 Jul 09 Wednesday - 22:07
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I just really don't get why people need to start drama where there doesn't need to be any. Divas, you Rock on with you bad selves!
Posted by Mystikchick on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 1:14
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Ghost Divas
Ghost Divas

Thank you to all the normal, smart people that frequent our blog. To people like Mariann, you might think you're making a point, but people are just laughing at you.

Don't misrepresent what happened, either. You didn't just want to "read a blog" - you begged to be added back to our friends list.

You are a goddamned psycho.

And it's funny that people like you & Mellen always go the "you're fat" route. When you absolutely cannot insult someone's intelligence you have to go with "you're fat." You can't even go with "you're ugly" because none of us are. And to steal Tonya's line once again, we can lose weight faster than you can get smart.

Posted by Ghost Divas on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 1:19
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You are absolutely right, when people start resorting to "you are fat", its only because there is nothing really for them to say...LMFAO!!!! FYI I know I'm fat, big shocker there!
Posted by Mystikchick on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 9:55
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oh look Jamie has to sparkle now....
Posted by Mystikchick on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 16:15
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Tonya H
Tonya Hacker

SPARKLES make you a reputable "ghost hunter" and can get you recognition. EVERYONE knows that.

Posted by Tonya H on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 18:41
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I am SOOOOOO listening to the show tonight.....i wouldn't dare miss it
Posted by Jerianne on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 19:04
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ok, sorry, i have my days all mixed up with Jason being home now.....i just realized that it's Thursday and your show was LAST night....boy, do i feel like an idiot
Posted by Jerianne on 23 Jul 09 Thursday - 21:44
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